Dart is a type-safe programming language, that combines static type check and runtime check and a single run, it is also called sound typing.
Table of Contents
String to int
void main() { String a = "1"; int c = int.parse(a); print(c); //1 }
String to double
void main() { String a = "123.6"; double c = double.parse(a); print(c); }
Int to string
void main() { int a = 24; print(a.toString()); }
Double to string
void main() { double a = 24.5; print(a.toString()); }
Int to double
void main() { int x = 11; double y = x.toDouble(); print(y); }
Double to int
void main() { double x = 11.0; double y = x.toDouble(); print(y); }
Map to list
void main() { List list = []; Map<int, String> map = {0: "one", 1: "two", 2: "three"}; list = map.entries.map((entry) => "${entry.value}").toList(); print(list); }
List to map
void main() { List<String> listString = ['one', 'two', 'three']; Map<int, String> map = listString.asMap(); print(map); }
Type checker
is ,as is!
Dart “as” operator is used for explicit typecast.
Dart “is” operator is used for type check for any type of variable return true if an object is its type.
Dart “is!” operator is used for type check for any type of variable return true if object is not specified type.
in this post we learnt about typecasting in dart , Happy coding.